Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher Wikipedia, age, Noel Gallagher son, mom, siblings, school

Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher is the son of English singer-songwriter Noel Gallagher. In this blog, we will dive into his personal life to know more about him including his Wikipedia, age, mom, siblings, and school. Continue reading to know more about the celebrity kid.

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Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher Wikipedia

Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher is an English celebrity kid who happens to be the son and last child of English singer-songwriter Noel Gallagher. He was born in England to the singer and her second wife whom he has been married to since 2011.

Sonny is 11 years old. He was born on October 1, 2010, and he will be celebrating his 12th birthday on October 1, 2022.

Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher’s parents and siblings

He is the last of two sons of Noel Gallagher and his beautiful wife Sara MacDonald, hence, he has an elder brother who has been identified as Donovan Rory MacDonald Gallagher, who was born on September 22, 2007. He also has a half-sibling who happens to be the only daughter from his father’s previous marriage named Anaïs Gallagher.

Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher school

It is not clear where Sonny attends school since his father has kept his educational background away from the general public.

Is Sonny Patrick MacDonald Gallagher on Instagram?

He is not active on Instagram.
