Who is Themis Matsoukas wife? The disgraced professors marital status

Themis Matsoukas faces accusations of performing sexual acts with a dog. Matsoukas is an award-winning Penn State professor who’s published many journal articles and several books. He was arrested after a state forest trail camera captured him performing sexual acts with his dog. The Daily Mail reports that Matsoukas begged the arresting officers to shoot him. “I need to die,” Matsoukas allegedly said. 

It’s unclear whether Themis Matsoukas is married or dating

It’s unclear if Themis Matsoukas has a wife or whether he’s ever married. He’s kept the details about his private life secret. 

Matsoukas allegedly told police that he performs sexual acts with his dog to ‘blow off steam’. The former Penn State professor has indelibly stained his reputation and could end up in jail. “Themis Matsoukas has been relieved of his responsibilities and is on leave,” Penn State stated, per The Sun.

“It would be inappropriate to make any comment at this time,” Matsoukas’ attorney, Matthew McClenahen, said. 
