Sheldon Bream Is Shannon Bream's Husband: Everything We Know About Him

Shannon Bream | Shannon Bream with her husband, Sheldon Bream. | Source: Getty Images |

Sheldon Bream has been Shannon Bream's husband for over two decades, and they share hobbies and business interests.

While still engaged, Sheldon Bream overcame a major medical obstacle that Shannon Bream believes solidified their commitment to each other. They do not have children of their own but are proud pet parents.

He is very supportive of his Fox News anchor wife's career and has a hand in managing one portion of it.

Sheldon Bream Owns a Company

Sheldon graduated with a bachelor's degree in sports management and business from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, and was a student-athlete. He is the youngest of six children and celebrates his birthday on October 30.

He held the position of Director of Bureau Relations for the Washington Speakers Bureau for 13 years until he branched out on his own with a company based in Arlington, Virginia.

According to his website, he is "one of the most trusted and respected professionals" in the industry. The Liberty alum had a leadership role with the International Association of Speakers Bureaus (IASB).

Through Bream Speaker Management, Sheldon manages the speaking engagements of Fox News hosts and contributors like Lawrence B. Jone, Jason Chaffetz, and his wife Shannon, among other names on the professional speaking circuit.

For the Kentucky Derby 2022, not to be outshined by his wife's large millinery creation, he donned a pair of white sneakers given a custom blue update by his artist friend Titus Gwartney.

His Twitter account is primarily used for retweeting his wife and commenting on his college football team, the Flames. He has four endorsements for social media insight on LinkedIn.

Sheldon Bream Is a Brain Tumor Survivor

When Sheldon was 24, he was dealt a double blow. First, his father passed away, and then he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The bad news came around the time that he got engaged to Shannon.

The operation was a success, but some complications included damage to his facial nerves, which caused paralysis for a few months. Shannon opened up about this time:

"We went on about our lives, and he would be honest to tell you he was really going through a depression. It was a tough recovery."

A month before their wedding, while dining at Pizza Hut, Shannon noticed the corner of Sheldon's mouth moving. She showed her fiancé the development with a compact mirror right away.

The specialist had told them that it was one of the signs to look for if he was to regain control of his facial features. This marked the beginning of his slow recovery. Sheldon said of this battle:

"It's no doubt that this was a difficult time, but I had such a great support system with [Shannon] and my mom and my family that, thankfully, I was able to get through it."

Sheldon Decided to Marry Shannon after Their First Date

The day before Valentine's Day in 1993, Sheldon, then an undergrad, told his roommates that he was going to marry Shannon. Because they knew the former Miss Virginia, they did not question his surety after only one date.

Shannon agreed, adding that they are on the same team and try never to say something they cannot take back.

The couple reportedly dated other people when they met in their senior year at the Liberty University stadium during Homecoming. Shortly after graduation, they got married on December 31, 1995.

When the future anchor looked back at the church after walking down the aisle, she saw all the Breams crying and was worried that they did not like her. But her husband assured her that they cry at all weddings, but this one was particularly emotional so soon after his father's passing.

When Shannon jokingly asked him — in an interview to promote her book — what the secret is to their long marriage, Sheldon earnestly answered:

"Just fighting nice... not fighting … but when we disagree, we do it in a way that is not ever hurtful toward each other."

Shannon agreed, adding that they are on the same team and try never to say something they cannot take back. On their 25th wedding anniversary in 2020, she shared a snap from their big day and said:

"God blessed me beyond measure when He sent me Shel."

She told her colleague Tucker Carlson that her husband was very understanding when she misplaced her wedding band once. Fortunately, the band was found months later entangled in an article of clothing packed away.

The Breams Love Exploring the Outdoors

The couple spends their free time outdoors swimming, hiking, and sailing with their dogs. Their fur babies, Biscuit, a white Labrador, and Oscar, a mini Bernedoodle, both have social media accounts.

Shannon grew up fishing with a line over the bridge and graduated to deep sea fishing, and she loves fly fishing. The Fox News host tweeted in 2019 that it is "pretty much catch and release."

Sheldon is an archer and does not need the outdoors to indulge in this hobby. In 2017, Shannon shared a snap of him hauling his bulky archery gear with the background of skyscrapers.

She said that even in the big city, her husband, a country boy at heart, will find a place to "keep honing his archery hunting skills."

A former classmate from Liberty commented that he thought they both only took archery for the "easy A," but Sheldon was more serious about the sport than he thought.

When the Breams spend time indoors, the sports fans are most likely huddled in front of the television, watching their beloved Flames or the Washington Nationals.

They do not have children of their own but are godparents. They braved the extreme cold of Parris Island to attend attended their godson's Marine Corps boot camp graduation in January 2019.
