** Conda Fails to Create a new env: stuck at "Executing transaction"**
I am working with a MacOS, BigSur 11.6, and have updated conda and mamba
conda update --all
conda update mamba
and, following guidance from a software installation guide I tried to create a new env:
conda create -n fermi -c conda-forge -c fermi fermitools python=3 clhep=
Also tried with the dev version:
conda create -n fermi-2.0.24 -c conda-forge -c fermi/label/dev fermitools=2.0.24
and with mamba
mamba create -n fermi -c conda-forge -c fermi fermitools python=3 clhep=
All trials get stuck in " executing transaction \ " (> 1h)
when hitting ctrl+c, all trials show the same error msg:
" ERROR conda.core.link:_execute(699): An error occurred while installing package 'conda-forge::gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6-h2e6141f_0'. " " Rolling back transaction: done "
my uname -v:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Mon Aug 30 06:12:21 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.141.6~3/RELEASE_X86_64
my conda --version
conda 4.10.3
There seems to be a long standing discussion about similar issues here. Some argue that hitting "enter" solved the problem after " executing transaction \ " was running for a long time. It would be great, but did not worked.
The issue #6986 seems to persist and it is not clear how to deal with it.
Any ideas on how to approach this? Thank you in advance!
7Looking for resources on the error " Solving environment: failed with current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source. "
Then, reading: link1 , link2 , link3 (check the comment from "glass-ships") , link4
It seems the following can help:
conda update conda -c conda-canary
conda config --set channel_priority false
conda create --name your_env_name
conda activate your_env_name
conda install XXXXXX
then conda activate your_env_name
and the tool is working just fine.
This is what worked for me. Set the conda channel_priority to flexible in the conda configuration
conda config --set channel_priority flexible