Who is Ortencia Alcantara? Kevin Samuels' police report reveals he was with a nurse before he died

YouTube star Kevin Samuels recently passed away at the age of 53 in Atlanta Hospital. Samuels was found unresponsive in his apartment on May 6.

The news was confirmed by Kevin's mother Beverly Samuels-Burch, who stated that she learned about her son's death on social media.

"That was a terrible thing for social media to put that out. I didn't even know. I hadn't even been notified. All I'm doing is requesting that people pray for us."

A police report mentioned that Samuels suffered a heart attack after spending the previous night with a nurse, Ortencia Alcantara.

Kevin complained to Alcantra about chest pain after which the latter called 911. However, he collapsed on top of Ortencia and was unresponsive when the cops arrived. He was admitted to Piedmont Atlanta Hospital and was announced dead.

About the nurse at Kevin Samuels' apartment

Ortencia Alcantara was with Kevin Samuels when he suffered a heart attack. Georgia police officials received a call from an Atlanta apartment on Thursday.

A report from Atlanta law enforcement states that Ortencia met Samuels the night before his death, came to his apartment, and spent the night with him. Kevin complained about chest pain early in the morning and although the nurse tried to help him, he fell on top of her and she called 911.

Alcantara requested the 911 operator contact the front desk for a defibrillator to keep Samuels responsive while he was rushed to Piedmont Hospital. Cops entered the site and saw fire department officials performing CPR on Kevin, who was unresponsive, and then met the 32-year-old, who is of Mexican descent.

Since Samuels' death, Alcantara has made her social media profiles private, owing to backlash from netizens for "clout chasing and lying." In her defence, the nurse posted on Instagram:

“It’s crazy how complete strangers try to hurt your character. Believe it or not, there’s still good-hearted people in this cruel world."

She further continued:

“Unbelievable to think I have to clear my name for doing the right thing. Let me find a lawyer and make these people take all this mess down.”

Alcantara concluded by saying:

“I am a humble six-figure woman from the Midwest. No need for a one-night stand. My family and close friends know I’m a good person. People are evil but sending love.”

Everything known about Kevin Samuels

Kevin Samuels was well-known for his controversial statements on his videos (Image via SandmanMGTOW/Twitter)

Kevin Samuels was a famous YouTube star who was embroiled in some controversy for criticizing single mothers, overweight black women, and broke black men.

He used to provide advice to his 1.4 million subscribers and was criticized for telling women over the age of 35 that they are "leftover women." He mentioned in his podcast last month,

"If you have made it to 35 and you are unmarried, you are a leftover women. You are what is left. Men know that there is likely something wrong with you. Here's what's going to happen. If you are a woman 35 plus and you want a man that's on the same lifestyle level, you're going to have to share him."

Kevin's death has received a mixed response from the public on social media. Although his supporters expressed grief over his death, critics spoke about his views, describing them as contentious and oppressive.

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