Where Is Sheila Dates Now?

Investigation Discovery’s ‘Your Worst Nightmare: Root of All Evil’ chronicles the murder of Regina Dates, which transpired on the morning of August 31, 1999. The official episode synopsis on IMDB lays down the premise of what happened and who it happened to perfectly well. It states: “Sheila Dates and her daughter Regina are more than blood relatives – they’re best friends and roommates too. But one morning, their lives are irrevocably changed the moment two unexpected guests appear at their doorstep.” In easier words, along with Regina, Sheila was a victim too, but she lived to tell the tale.

Who Is Sheila Dates?

Back in 1999, Sheila Dates was living in Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia, with her 21-year-old daughter, Regina, and working as the manager of a check-cashing company in Marietta. On August 31st, at around 6. a.m, Keith Darnel Henry and his wife, Belinda, knocked on the door of their home, posing as FBI agents, and forced their way in. They wanted money, and thus, while Keith stayed behind with Regina, Belinda took Sheila to Marietta, to empty the safe of her company. While they were gone, Keith strangled Regina Dates. Then, after getting the money, Belinda tried to do the same to Sheila, with a cord. Thankfully, Sheila survived.

Furthermore, Sheila helped the police in identifying the criminals and even testified against Keith Henry in court. During his sentencing hearing in 2004, she said that while she was relieved with his punishment, his apology for what he did to her daughter did not affect or inspire her to forgive him in any way. In saying that, though, she did add that she felt sorry for Belinda Henry, who had shot herself in New Jersey before the law enforcement officials could arrest her. In 2005, Sheila, who had moved to Griffin, affirmed her sentiments as she said, “If he spends the rest of his life in prison and isn’t able to hurt anybody else I’m satisfied.”

Where Is Sheila Dates Today?

Sheila Dates is now living in the Greater Atlanta Area in Georgia and is using her past traumatic experiences for good. For years, she tried to forgive her daughter’s killer so as to truly move on and find peace, but, of course, it is never as easy as it seems, so she’s gained some help and expertise along the way. She was depressed and had post-traumatic stress disorder, so it was only when she went to a support group and opened up to other people that she started healing. And now, each year, she attends the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and lights a candle in Regina’s name, focusing on her good life rather than her violent death.

From what we can tell, Sheila found Faith as well, which has helped her to let go of all the anger and resentment that she had towards Keith Henry. This is probably also why her LinkedIn profile states that she is currently seeking to Minister people who have been affected by some sort of violence in their lives. Considering the fact that she has graduated from World Changers Bible School, we think its safe to say that she is well qualified to do so. Apart from this, Sheila also works as an Independent Distributor for a health and wellness company by the name of Isagenix. In 1999, Shelia’s life took a turn for the worst, but now, despite everything, she has managed to make the most of it. (Featured Image Credit: Investigation Discovery)
