Is Alex Murdaugh Son Gay, Buster Murdaugh Where Is He Now? Age And Family

Is Alex Murdaugh son gay? This question has raised more controversies in the controversial lifestyle of the Murdaugh family.

The Murdaugh family is a prominent American legal family in Low Country, South Carolina. More than a century ago the family established a law firm and as of this date, it has dozens of lawyers working there including offices that occupy an entire city block.

Buster Murdaugh is going through a lot since his father Alex Murdaugh has been taken into custody for the double homicide murder of  Maggie and Paul Murdaugh. Alex is accused of shooting his wife and his younger son to death in June 2021.

Former lawyer, Alex Murdaugh has pleaded not guilty to the crimes and maintained his innocence. The Murdaugh family has a long history in South Carolina as powerful prosecutors however sources say they have been connected to several scandals.  

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Is Alex Murdaugh Son Gay?

Now for the question, is Alex Murdaugh son gay? Well, the short answer to it is no, Buster Murdaugh is a straight man. Buster’s recent growth in fame has made a lot of people question his sexuality well, now you know.

Buster Murdaugh seems to work in privet and doesn’t value a lot of media attention. However, his case for his family says otherwise.

As of today, it has been about 2 years since the tragic murder of his mom and little brother. These two people were very important in Buster’s life and valued these two family members greatly. There isn’t a lot of information about Buster’s life but we can find him in the court alongside his father.

Because Buster doesn’t disclose a lot of his private life people lead themselves to ask the question is Alex Murdaugh son gay? People don’t seem to care about how much he’s going through yet concerned about his sexuality.

Buster Murdaugh, Where Is He Now?

Buster is the oldest and as of today, the only son of the Murdaugh family lives an amicable life and currently lives in a condo with his long-time partner, Brooklynn White on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

According to Buster’s neighbor, they are a pleasant couple who always smiles and greets them. They own a golden retriever dog named Miller.

Following the family traditions, Buster attended the University of South Carolina in pursuit of a law degree however, he ended up getting kicked out from the University over a plagiarism incident. 

It’s unclear what Buster does for a living but prior to Alex’s arrest, he worked in his father’s law firm. We can find him time and again in the courtroom, news, and probably all over the internet.

Buster Murdaugh Age and Family

Richard Alexander “Buster” Murdaugh Jr was born in 1996 and as of today is a 26-year-old man. Since there isn’t plenty of information surrounding Buster, we can tell he is the only son of Murdaugh and the potential heir of the dominant Murdaugh family.

Jokes aside, recently on February 21, 2023, Buster testified on behalf of his father’s trial. On the stand, he said he spoke on phone with his parents and brother every night. However, on the tragic night when his mom and brother had been shot, Alex called and informed him about going to check on his ailing mother’s house.

Prosecutors said the call occurred after Maggie and Paul were already dead and was an attempt to build an alibi.

Buster found out about the death after his dad gave him a second call. He said “I just sat there for a minute,” he recalled. “I was in shock.” He testified saying “I spent my time following my dad and barely left his sight”. After the incident, they spent their time staying at the homes of several relatives including Maggie’s parents.

From 2015 to 2021, the Murdaugh family suffered much misfortune. In 2015 their housemaid died by falling from a flight of stairs. Then in February 2019, Paul Murdaugh faced criminal charges regarding a boat accident, where he was under the influence of alcohol. During this incident, several friends of paul were on the boat with him when it crashed into a piling taking the life of Mallory Beach. Then the mysterious death of a 19-year-old gay boy. 

In 2021 the murder of a son and a mom that we all know about. Alex Murdaugh pleaded not guilty on July 20, 2022. Alex is in jail for about 2 years now and the case is still going on.

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