Jackson Hinkle Biography: The Rise and Fall of a Controversial Influencer

Jackson Hinkle is an American political commentator and social media influencer, who hosts the political show The Dive with Jackson Hinkle. He is known for his conservative, pro-Putin, anti-Israel, and conspiracy-oriented views, which have earned him both popularity and criticism. In this article, we will explore his background, career, controversies, and net worth.

Early Life and Education

Jackson Hinkle was born in September 1999 in San Clemente, California. He attended San Clemente High School, where he graduated in 2018. He was interested in environmental issues and founded the Team Zissou Environmental Organization, a club that did lobbying and volunteer work, such as beach cleanups. He also wrote for the student newspaper, Triton Times, and won several awards and honors, such as the Princeton Book Award and the nomination to be a youth delegate at the Washington Youth Summit on the Environment.

Hinkle went on to study at Saddleback College and then transferred to a local university in Orange County. He became involved in political activism and joined a political innovation center, where he focused on independent and progressive perspectives on the news.

Career and Works

Hinkle started his media career in 2016, when he launched his YouTube channel, The Dive with Jackson Hinkle. He initially covered topics such as environmentalism, healthcare, and foreign policy, from a left-wing perspective. He supported Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections and criticized the Democratic Party for being corrupt and neoliberal.

However, over time, Hinkle’s politics shifted to a more right-wing and conspiratorial tone. He began to support Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, calling himself an “American Conservative Marxist-Leninist”. He also adopted pro-fossil fuels stances and campaigned against an alleged globalist threat. He became a proponent of “MAGA communism”, a term he coined to describe the alliance of the working class and the MAGA supporters.

Hinkle also expressed support for Vladimir Putin in the Russo-Ukrainian War, and for Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War. He accused the US and its allies of supporting terrorists and staging false flag attacks, such as the Douma chemical attack and the Skripal poisoning. He also voiced anti-Israel views in the 2023 Israel-Hamas war, and accused Israel of committing genocide and apartheid against the Palestinians.

Hinkle’s show gained popularity among some segments of the online audience, especially those who were disillusioned with the mainstream media and the political establishment. He also appeared on several conservative and alternative media outlets, such as Tucker Carlson Tonight, One America News Network, and RT. As of November 2023, he was one of the most viral users on Twitter.

Controversies and Criticism

Hinkle’s controversial views and statements have also attracted a lot of criticism and backlash. He has been accused of spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, which have been debunked by fact-checkers and experts. He has also been banned from several social media platforms, such as Twitch, Facebook, and Instagram, for violating their policies on misinformation and hate speech.

Hinkle has also been involved in several scandals and disputes with other political commentators and activists. For example, he was sued by the family of Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who was murdered in 2016, for falsely claiming that Rich was the source of the WikiLeaks emails that exposed the DNC’s bias against Bernie Sanders. He also feuded with Jimmy Dore, a fellow progressive commentator, over their differing views on Syria and Russia. He also mocked and harassed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and other progressive politicians, for being sellouts and puppets of the establishment.

Hinkle’s critics have also questioned his credibility and motives, suggesting that he is either a grifter, a troll, or a Russian agent. They have pointed out his inconsistencies and contradictions, such as claiming to be a Marxist-Leninist while supporting Trump and capitalism, or claiming to be an environmentalist while denying climate change and promoting fossil fuels. They have also accused him of being a hypocrite, a liar, and a bigot.

Net Worth and Income

According to some sources, Jackson Hinkle’s net worth is estimated to be around $1 million as of 2024. His main source of income is his YouTube channel, which has over 500,000 subscribers and over 100 million views. He also earns money from his Patreon account, where he has over 10,000 patrons who donate monthly. He also sells merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, and stickers, on his website.

However, Hinkle’s income may vary depending on his popularity and the availability of his platforms. He may also face legal fees and fines due to his lawsuits and bans. He may also lose some of his supporters and sponsors due to his controversies and criticism.


Jackson Hinkle is a controversial figure in the American political and media landscape. He has gained a loyal fan base and a notorious reputation for his conservative, pro-Putin, anti-Israel, and conspiracy-oriented views. He has also faced a lot of criticism and backlash for his misinformation and hate speech. He is a divisive and polarizing influencer, who has sparked many debates and controversies. He is a person who is loved by some and hated by many.
