DL fave Susan Richardson is on life support!!!

Some of you guys noticed that when I last talked to you, I didn't seem like the happy-go-lucky gal you know and love. And now you know why -- I've been in the hospital waiting for another quadruple bypass ("Eight is enough!" I told the doctor, and he just stared at me). I've mostly never lied to you guys before and I won't now: it doesn't look too good. But don't cry for me, Connie Needham, because there's life in ol' Soos yet!!!

I've been keeping it real quiet, but I've got a few irons in the fire! This morning, the guy who came to change my bandages asked if I could get his EiE reboot spec script to ABC. WHAT??!! I had so many emotions in that moment: joy at the prospect of working again; confusion as to why I hadn't already received an offer for it; uncertainty because I couldn't remember if Fred Silverman was still at the network; pain because this guy was really not very gentle with my bandages; and fear because it turned out that bandages guy didn't even work at the hospital (seriously, guys -- it was really scary, and this is coming from the only person in the cast brave enough to tell BB that her Tom's deodorant wasn't cutting the mustard). So, between this new gig and all the money I saved on heating the trailer since I've been in the hospital, well, I haven't been in such good financial shape since I did that round of interviews about my kidnapping!

But I'm a realist, too. Even if my surgery goes well, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, or held for ransom by a radical feminist collective who force me to “donate” 18 months of uterus time to gestate an heir and spare, or my feeding bag could give me drug-resistant syphilis. Again. You just don’t know.

So I decided, guys, to live whatever time I have left to the fullest. Who cares if my trailer is going to be repossessed if I don't get back there to paint it and tow it to a new lot so the bank can’t find it? Who cares if I'm dangerously certain that I left a few gas lamps lit in the lean-to next to the daycare center where I keep the supplies for my homemade fireworks (same ol' Soos!). And who cares if, yep I’m finally gonna say it, BarbAra Joan Streisand cut my part in A Star is Born to ribbons because I slept with Kris Kristofferson on my first day on set? Who cares! I've made mistakes, BarbAra made mistakes, my mom made mistakes, Peter Marshall made mistakes, Betty Buckley made mistakes and Roger Ailes made mistakes. And now, with maybe not a lot of time left, with a heart that's ready to heal, I want to release myself, and everyone, from the pain of their mistakes; I'm finally, truly, ready to be at peace and to let bypassesses be bybassesses.
