Daily Mail: Tom Jones' secret son is homeless and living on the streets

The Welch singer’s 29-year-old son, who has a strikingly similar voice, is struggling to make ends meet as a street performer.

A few years ago, the world got acquainted with Jonathan Berkery, who turned out to be the iconic singer Tom Jones’ secret child shared with former model Katherine Berkery.

Although Berkery may have inherited his father’s voice, his financial circumstances appear to be quite the opposite of that of his famous father.

Daily Mail recently interacted with Berkery in New Jersey and learned that despite being the son of a successful musician, he is struggling to survive.

Unlike Jones, who has a multi-million-dollar fortune, Berkery currently makes a living out of performing on the streets.

Although the sight of Berkeley in an old pair of jeans might not catch the attention of passers-by, his voice is said to gather a lot of attention.

The star’s illegitimate child performs his father’s songs, and the listeners cannot help but notice how strikingly similar to Jones he sounds.

Berkery is currently homeless, and his daytime income is whatever generous strangers are willing to drop in his guitar case after listening to his singing and on reading his cardboard sign that reads ‘I Need Money (Please Help.)’

The 29-year-old usually sleeps at a homeless shelter in Hoboken, and also works part-time at a store where he is paid £5.50-an-hour.

Although it had been proven that Jones is his biological father, Berkery has had no success in trying to reach out to his father and getting to meet him in person.

Berkery told Daily Mail that he did not want anything more than acceptance from his father. He expressed that it had been difficult to grow up without a father and all he craves is Jones’ affection.

The only help that Jones extended to Berkery and his mother was a monthly maintenance of £1,700, following a court ruling that proved Jones’ relationship to Berkeley via paternity test.

However, that support lasted only until Berkery was 18 years old. Even though he grew up surrounded by pictures of his father, Berkery never received any phone calls, emails or cards from his celebrity father.

Although the deciding paternity test was taken in 1989, Jones only acknowledged the truth in the year 2008. Jones had stated that he had not planned on having a child and felt tricked and seduced.

To Berkery, Jones’ words sounded heartbreaking, although he believed that a man as famous as Jones would surely have hurt people on his way up.

As a teenager, Berkery became an aggressive drinker and drug user. He also admitted to having trouble forming healthy relationships with young women.

Despite the fact that Jones has never seemed to reach out to his love child, Berkery maintained that he still wished for a chance to talk to him in person.

Read more about Jonathan Berley and Tom Jones on our Twitter account @amomama_usa.
