All Steamy Emilia Clarke Scenes in Game of Thrones, Ranked

Sex, in TV shows and movies, is usually portrayed as a form of power. Examples of this could be seen in ‘House of Cards’, ‘Nymphomaniac‘ and of course, ‘Game of Thrones’. But sometimes these scenes have no significance at all and can be flat out dismissed. Nude scenes are just nude scenes and a lot of the times, they don’t really mean anything more than that. But when these full frontal nude scenes involve Emilia Clarke, it surely means something, at least to the male audience watching the show. Those few golden moments are where the plot of the show just fades away and for once, you just forget about all the beheading and disemboweling that are actually more prevalent than anything else in the series.

Don’t get me wrong, ‘Game of Thrones‘ is, without a doubt, one of the best TV shows of our time and its production value is beyond any other TV show in history. The cast, too, is brilliant and my intention here is not to body shame or degrade the reputation of any of them. But the fact that the show is replete with nude scenes cannot be ignored even if one really wants to. It is now a part of the show and deserves to be talked about. Almost all major characters have been portrayed sexually in one way or the other. But one character who just keeps coming up as the sex symbol of ‘GOT’ is Emilia Clarke, who plays the role of Daenerys Targaryen. Emilia Clarke is a great actress and the fact that she is the seventh highest paid American primetime TV show actor just proves that she has immense talent. But even when it comes to nude scenes, she has set some really high standards by displaying high level of boldness and of course, professionalism as an actor.

In a very recent interview, Clarke said that she does not regret anything she has previously done in the show. “Not one part of the show I would go back and redo”, she says. Even after being criticized by many feminists, Emilia Clarke claims that she still tries to portray herself as a strong and empowered woman. So yes, we do understand her sentiments behind it. But since she plays a very significant role in the show, we just had to make a list about this as well. Here’s the list of top Emilia Clarke nude scenes in ‘Game of Thrones’.

10. Kahl Grago’s Sexual Assault (Season 1 – Episode 2)

The world of ‘Game of Thrones‘ is not all sunshine and rainbows for women and Daenerys is probably the one suffering the most. She is just sold out to Drogo by her brother as a wedding present. And while it is pretty obvious that he is raping her, this scene makes it even more obvious for the viewers. This is no feast to the eyes and we are so grateful that it does not last more than a few seconds because it’s really painful to watch someone getting forced into sex like that. This scene does have some relevance to the storyline because it leads to another sex scene much later in the show where there is a reversal in the roles. Dany doesn’t obviously rape Drogo, but she finally takes the lead.

Later, during a speech after Drogo’s death, she even mentions the fact that she has been raped and defiled but even then, the only thing that manages to keep her alive is her faith. Here, she refers to her relationship with Kahl (Jason Momoa) and how she was raped every night before they were able to build an actual bond. So clearly, the value of this scene goes far ahead in the series and it highlights the fact that even though Drogo and Dany later fall in love, it does not negate the trauma that she suffers from all of this. This scene reminds the viewers how much pain she has taken to finally make her way to the throne and those who think otherwise should just rewind back to the initial episodes.

9. Creepy Brother Fondling (Season 1 – Episode 1)

This scene is yet another reminder of how messed up Daenerys’s life has been right from the beginning of the series. Before selling her out to Drogo for marriage and also as a sex slave in a way, her brother just walks in on her and strips her down to get a better look at her body. The camera completely zooms in on her while her brother creepily ogles at her. This is where Dany’s initial downward spiral journey begins and while the other characters in the show are just being developed, a strong base for her character is already formed here. She is sold and betrayed by her own twisted family to a man who does nothing but rapes her for a long time. But this is where her character grows into the stronger Khaleesi that we later get to see. Her hope somehow keeps her alive and her strong will and patience pay off quite well in the long run.

8. Daario, Her Warrior Lover (Season 5 – Episode 1)

This scene focuses more on the nudity of Daenerys’s warrior lover Daario (Michiel Huisman) and for a change, we don’t get to see much of her. Daario just walks around stark (no pun intended) naked around the room and pours down some whiskey into two goblets. Meanwhile, Daenerys just sits on the bed, covered in sheets, and rants about how her rebellious subjects have been bothering her lately. It is very obvious that this scene has no significance as such and Daario’s nudity is not even necessary. Maybe some people might enjoy it for its steamy atmosphere but most of them would surely find it irrelevant.

7. Dany is Comfortable Naked (Season 3 – Episode 8)

Speaking of unnecessary nudity, nothing beats this one. Daenerys steps out of her bathtub all wet and naked just to talk her new warrior, Daario. She seems to be in no hurry to put on any form of clothing and just stands there comfortably, talking business. Now Daario does see a lot more of skin later when they get involved in an affair but here, he too seems very much unaffected by her nudity. Now we’re not complaining because, in all honesty, Emilia Clarke is attractive as hell. But ‘GOT‘ makes it clear from the very beginning itself that it is not for the ones who get offended too easily by violence and nudity. The ones who are getting offended but still want to watch it, should just patiently stick around because the frequency of such scenes is lowered down substantially after the initial seasons.

6. Do What You Do Best (Season 4 – Episode 7)

Daenerys does it her way in this scene and takes advantage of her warrior lover Daario in her own unique way. By season four, we start seeing a completely different Dany who has blossomed into this wise self-actualized person. If you compare her with the Dany she used to be in the first few seasons, you will realize that she is a completely different person now. Though her dangerously fascistic self is sometimes even scary now, in this scene, it just makes things a little kinkier. She just sits there sipping wine with a bitch face on and orders Daario to “do what he does best” and that obviously implies to all the “screwing around” the two have been doing. For a second, he too is a little taken aback with how directly Daenerys just puts her point but then he obliges to her command. It’s good to see that Dany finally has started taking control of her life and if you look back, you can’t help but appreciate her for the courage she has shown to be where she is.

5. Khals Burnt Down (Season 6 – Episode 4)

If you remember Rakharo, who is killed by Kahl in the second season, you’ll also remember that he once expressed his dislike towards the notion of a woman leading a Khalasar. That’s when Dany had replied, “They will like it far less when I’m finished with them.” This is where she keeps her word. The men of Khalasar insult her and abuse her when she tries to reason with them in their temple and that’s when she turns into a complete badass. She sets their temple on fire and burns all of them to death in their own home. She then walks out of the temple completely nude and what makes this scene so important is how the entire conclave of Khalasar bow down to her and start seeing a woman as their true leader.

The entire scene of her badassery builds up to the moment where she walks out naked and earns the respect she deserves. Her nudity probably symbolizes the power she holds as a woman in the truest and purest form. This scene is indeed every feminist’s dream come true and it makes up for all the forced sex scenes during the first few seasons. Yet again, Khaleesi proves that she is in charge of her own life now and anyone who questions that will suffer from some serious consequences.

4. The Dragon Whisperer (Season 1 – Episode 10)

In the final episode of the first season, Dany wakes up to the terrible news of her son’s death. Almost everyone from Khalasar decides to move on and leave the couple behind. Drogo is left in a catatonic state. Later, when Dany nurses Drogo and realizes that he is practically dead, she kisses him goodbye for the last time and then strangles him with a pillow. She gives him a small yet memorable funeral and then decides to set herself on fire with her dragon eggs. The flames feed on her and everyone leaves the spot. But she is later found sitting in the pyre with three dragons crawling all over her. The mythical dragons have returned to the world and so has a new version of Dany who rose from the fire like a Pheonix. Her nudity, again, in this scene, signifies the purity of her resurrection and how the real woman deep inside her is reborn.

3. Khal Drogo’s New Wife (Season 1- Episode 1)

This is another scene from the first episode where Emilie Clark’s character is forced to have sex with her husband Drogo, who shows no mercy towards her. We have already seen several acts of brutality that Dany had to suffer. It is indeed very painful to watch these rape scenes where her panicky eyes portray her inability to control the situation. But later, it’s these events that inspire her to conquer Meereen.

2. Dany Finally Takes Control (Season 1 – Episode 2)

Khaleesi decides to take things in her hand for the first time and somehow manages to convince Drogo to get underneath her. Jason Mamoa stips naked and flaunts his shredded physique. He lays down on the bed while Dany mounts him and establishes her newly discovered side of female domination.

1. One with Jon Snow (Season 7 – Episode 7)

How could you even think that we would miss out on this controversial incestuous sex scene? Season seven keeps dropping cues of a potential relationship between the two sensational characters of the show (Jon Snow and Daenerys) and when it actually happens, it leaves a great impression. They make some sweet incestuous love and Bran, in a voice-over, reminds us how the two are related to each other just to gross us out. But most viewers did not even care and remained indifferent to it. The picture of Kit Harrington’s “behind” broke the internet right after this scene and got even more attention than Kim Kardashian.
